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The heather blooms beautifully during this month! Październik (October) Wrzesień is adapted from the name of the plant wrzos, known as heather in English. The name of this month comes from the name of the tool sierp, which is a sickle that is used for cutting hay or grass. This tree blooms during this month in Poland. Lipiec comes from the word lipa in Polish which is a linden tree. Even the word for red in Polish, czerwony, comes from these little bugs. Centuries ago in Poland, this larvae was dried and used to make a red dye, which was exported around the world.

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The month czerwiec comes from the word czerw which is the larvae of a bee. Maj, like the English May, comes from the Roman goddess Maia who represents growth. April is a wonderful month to see blooming flowers in Poland! Maj (May) Kwiecień comes from the word kwiat that means flower. The second option is that is comes from the Polish verb marznać meaning to get cold. The first is from the Latin god of war, Mars. There are two possibilities on where this word is derived from. Luty comes from the Old-Polish adjective luty which means frosty of freezing. This is the time when the old years meets the new year.

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Styczeń comes from the verb stykać which means to meet or to connect. After spending entirely too much time trying (unsuccessfully) to get Damian to translate the literal meaning of the names of Polish months into English, I finally went and looked them up myself! What I found out was super interesting as the name of each month relates to a symbolic word for the season.

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